Not A Fan of FarmVille? There's a Facebook Page for That


FarmVille, the Facebook game that has turned 60 million plus people into virtual farmers, seems to draw nothing but positive buzz. That is, unless you visit the "Not Playing FarmVille" fan page on Facebook, which currently boasts 1.2 million members.

farmville anti-fan page on facebook
farmville anti-fan page on facebook

There's not much content on the fan page, unless you count the thousands of comments, such as "farmville sucks crack!" and "I hate FarmVille!" and the more sardonic "i particularly enjoy having my front page flooded with farmville updates. really, you sold a cow? awesome."

A few of Not Playing FarmVille members have also made and uploaded anti-FarmVille art, using hay bales in the game to spell out F*ck FarmVille and Sh*tty game.

It's easy to see how finding 25 FarmVille updates in your Facebook feed could get annoying if you aren't playing the game. Facebook has heard everyone's complaints and is working to keep these game notifications on a leash. (On a personal note, I obviously play all these games, so it's no mind to me).

Either way, if you need to kill five minutes at work/school, I highly recommend partaking of the hate-orade on this Facebook page. Maybe you'll agree or maybe (like me) it'll make you love FarmVille even more.
