A question for the holiday season: Which saint has the best cash flow?


Earlier this week, Forbes magazine released its list of the top-earning dead celebrities. Although the list highlighted French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent as the biggest name among those who have shrugged off the mortal coil, it was dominated by entertainers, including Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, and -- surprisingly -- Rogers and Hammerstein. But what of those who toiled in less lucrative professions? With All Saints Day 2009 finally here, we decided to take a peek at the Christian saints who continue to inspire devotion -- and, yes, cash flow -- long after their passage into the great beyond.

The trouble is that, unlike celebrities, most saints aren't focused on worldly things like profit. While some churches and religious sites charge admission or solicit donations, most are free. For that matter, although religious tracts and books can be copyrighted, the likeness rights of saints generally aren't licensed, which means that tallying the specific earnings of individual saints can be almost impossible.
