Avoid Lohan, Hilton Robbery Fate


Can a gang of suburban teenage girls rob Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Audrina Patridge, and other Los Angeles celebrities? You bet. These young cat burglars were arrested last week for pinching designer clothing and jewelry from several celebrity homes. Now these fashionable thieves face legal action and suspension of scholarships and reality TV shows. Let's assume they're probably grounded, too.

(Yes, one of the star-hungry crooks was in the middle of taping an E! reality television show about life as an aspiring actress. Our bet is the only taping she'll see in the future is the security camera one played in court.)

It's practically a rite of passage to live in an apartment with security bars on the window or in a questionable neighborhood in exchange for lower rent. How can you protect yourself, and your belongings?
