Cleavage Creek winery, other groups banding together to bust breast cancer

Breast cancer
Breast cancer

National organizations like Susan G. Komen for the cure are making great strides in the fight against breast cancer. But, like any great production, supporting roles are just as important as the leads. And all across the country, small businesses and groups are stepping up to support giants like Komen in the fight against breast cancer.

Here's the scoop on a few grassroots campaigns and communities you should know about:

Pope Valley, California/Seattle, Washington

In November, 2005, Budge Brown lost his wife of 48 years, Arlene, to breast cancer. The devastated, then angry, Brown looked for an avenue to channel his feelings, and, hopefully prevent others from experiencing his grief. His answer: a 2007 purchase of the winery and label Cleavage Creek. His first generation of wines debuted on Oct. 15, 2007, with subsequent ones coming out in October 2008, and October 2009. To ensure his wines "make a difference" he donates 10% of the gross dollars generated to cutting edge breast cancer research.

Earlier this year, a $40,000 donation from Cleavage Creek helped establish the Integrative Oncology Research Clinic at Bastyr University in Seattle.

Cleavage Creek also celebrates breast cancer survivors by featuring them on bottle labels. A total of 20, including Patty Daly, mom to talk show host Carson Daly, have graced Chardonnay, Cabernets, Merlots and other wine bottles.
