Yum, yum, yum: Cookie Diet at 100,000 members strong


When Deborah Gore, of Bristow, VA, woke up Tuesday, she probably never expected her 15 minutes of fame were right around the corner. But, by becoming the 100,000th member to enroll in the Cookie Diet brigade, Gore unknowingly clicked her way into the latest diet craze's spotlight.

By earning that distinction, she received a congratulatory phone call from the Cookie Diet's founder, Dr. Sanford Seigal, who is sending her a three-month supply of the cookies and an autographed copy of his newest book, "Dr. Seigal's Cookie Diet Book."

Gore's not the only one sampling Seigal's secret recipe. Celebrities like Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson have reportedly tried the Cookie Diet. Additionally, thousands of men and women are singing the praises of these specially blended treats. And claiming the amino acid protein blend cookies have helped them whittle their once size 26 or 16 waists down to size 4s and even size zeros.
