Mafia Wars Adds an Attack Jetski

Mafia Wars Jetski
Mafia Wars Jetski

As part of the Mafia Wars team's promise to deliver Limited Edition items every Monday and Wednesday, two new items were added to the game's favorite general store, The Godfather.

First, the Jetski costs 25 Reward Points that pays for itself by adding 40 Attack Points and 14 Defense points to your mafia (for comparison, Mafia Wars' New York adventure's best vehicle only offers 10 Attack /14 Defense). The point, this water bound speedster packs quite a punch.

Mafia Wars Politico Corrupto
Mafia Wars Politico Corrupto

Mafia Wars Cuba players may already know about Politico Corruptos, who are usually acquired through the Bribery Ring business and since they're needed in order to complete Cuba, paying for them might expedite your island completion. Plus, Bribery Ring only produces 5 Politicos a day (which sounds good until you realize that you'll need 1,000).
