Resveratrol sellers sued by Dr. Oz and Oprah


There are a few things you just don't do and one of those is mess with someone who is close to Oprah.

That's a lesson that the several sellers of Resveratrol, a supposed anti-aging product, found out after being sued by none other than Dr. Oz and the Oprah Winfrey Show for using his likeness to trick consumers into trying out a free trial of Resveratrol which comes with more strings than a marionette.

These days it should go without saying that there's no such thing as a free trial, especially if there's an asterisk anywhere on the screen, but companies like Resveratrol continue to take advantage of consumers by offering limited "free" trials and charging incredulous fees if customers fail to cancel the free trial. Take note, if you have to provide your credit card number for a free trial you should ask yourself, "what's the catch?"

Fox 5 from New York spoke to many of the consumers who have been duped by the company and found several practices and claims that should shock you.
