Cafe World Beats FarmVille


Just how popular is Zynga's newest game, Café World? It just surpassed the company's FarmVille as today's top gainer according to AppData. In fact, Cafe World woke up to an increase of 1,912,114 as FarmVille gained a commendable second place spot at 477,682.

The growth of Café World isn't shocking as parts of the game play similarly to FarmVille where players buy the ingredients for a dish and have to wait various amounts of time for each dish to cook. In FarmVille, farmers plant seed and wait for the seeds to produce sellable items. But Café World adds a bit more action as droves of customers need to be fed and without food, your café's Buzz Rating goes down.

Considering that we've been deluged by requests from Facebook friends who normally send us neighbor requests for FarmVille, Café World recent arrival is taking the Facebook gaming crowd by storm.
