PopCap to Retwist Bejeweled Twist with Square Enix


Want more Bejeweled Twist? Well, PopCap Games (Bejeweled, Peggle, Plants vs. Zombies) and Square Enix (Final Fantasy video game series) are hooking you up with Gyromancer. The game, which appears to been keenly focused on the successes of Puzzle Quest (which combined a fun gem popping game with a role-playing game). As seen in the video below, the puzzle portion of Gyromancer is a remixed version of Bejeweled Twist.

Players take control of Rivel, a magic summoner who must solve a series of puzzles as he encounters 50 types foes in the enchanted Aldemona Wood. Coming to Xbox Live and Steam for PC players, Gyromancer's release date has not yet been announced.

Why wait? Check out a similar game that's already out. - Puzzle Quest: Challenge Of The Warlords
