Eight Easy Ways to Celebrate the Autumnal Equinox


The air outside is getting a little chillier these days and on the first official day of autumn, it's a great time to get in the right mindset before your local greenery erupts into a rainbow of yellows, oranges and browns (unless, you're in the southern hemisphere). So grab a cup of cocoa, a blanket and get ready to snuggle with these fall games.

Fall Sudoku

Sudoku's near dominance has since faded into the autumn of gaming popularity but there's always an allure for many to return to the days when solving the 81 square uber puzzles served its goal to consume vast quantities of time. Here, Fall Sudoku is a simple game for kids, with numbers replaced by colored leaves. Without the numbers, the game plays a little differently, but if you're seeking a bit of early fall challenge, heat up some cider and sit back to play.

Autumn Bejeweled

The classic Bejeweled original game dumps the gems and replaces them with acorns, brown leaves and pine cones. While it offers nothing more than the gem replacements a brown interface, we'll admit that playing Autumn Bejeweled makes us feel calmer than our normal brightly colored daily dose of Bejeweled 2.
