Voice Chat for Facebook Games: Would You Use It?


Imagine playing a riveting round of FarmVille, and then being able to chat with your FarmVille pals while you play. This hasn't happened yet, but a new application called Vivox Voice Chat (from the Boston-based company Vivox) might make it possible sooner than later.

To use the chat app, users must download the application (which is still being tested behind closed doors) and then use it in conjunction with the Facebook interface. Early reports say that the service works "almost seamlessly" with Facebook and can be used for person-to-person chat or for larger group chats as well.

As for social games, like Mafia Wars and FarmVille, some say in-game chat is ahead of its time.

"For social games, I don't see a strong need for (voice chat) yet," said Siqi Chen, the CEO of Social Business, a leading Facebook social games developer told tech site CNET recently. He says that's mostly because people who play social games don't play at the same time, though as Facebook games grow more engaging -- and take more time to play -- he might see it as a possibility.

[Via CNET]
