Martha Kicks Kmart to the Curb


She's movin' on up. Smell ya later Kmart partnership! It did always feel a little down-market for Martha. So on to greener pastures. Martha's new partnership with Home Depot, which she announced on Tuesday on her show, is slightly peculiar, since HD is the home improvement store favored by men, while Lowe's is known to be more female-friendly. But maybe clever Martha realizes she's already got all us helpless homemakers cornered and it's time to get macho.

Check out Martha's lovefest with Home Depot on her show. My favorite part: Martha gushing over her "most fabulous apron" from the HD crew. Awwwww, it was the least they could do. You're about to make them rich, Martha! Or, uh, richer!!

So where oh where can you get your fav Martha-sanctioned stuff?
