Zuma: Eight Ways to Score Big in this Addicting Game


Like you, we've spent many hours blasting colored stones in PopCap's addicting game, Zuma. If you want to take your high score over the edge, however, follow these eight tips compiled by our staff.

One of our favorite tips: be sure to shoot coins, which make random appearances in the game. If you hit one, your score will quickly multiply. This is harder than it sounds, because the coins often appear behind a line of stones, which means you have to wait until you have a clear shot to score the extra points. Better yet, create your own clearing by using a rapid double-tapping technique (i.e. clear out a line of colored stones that are blocking your patch. That creates a temporary gap, which gives you a fraction of a second to shoot and hit the coin.) It takes practice to pull off this technique, but your score will thank you.

Click through the gallery below to read all eight tips & tricks!

Game Tips for Zuma

Play Zuma on Games.com Now

Also worth nothing, the anticipated sequel,

Zuma's Revenge

, has arrived for PC and Mac. Right now, the game is exclusively available at publisher PopCap's site for $19.99, where you can also download a free demo as well.
