Ikea customers furious over change of font


For years, the Scandinavian home furnishings retailer, Ikea, has made its reputation from selling furniture that halved the distance between quirky and generic. Simultaneously attractive and interchangeable, the company's do-it-yourself aesthetic was designed to fit into a wide range of spaces and designs.

With this in mind, it's hardly surprising that Ikea would want to do the same thing with its advertising. While it's signature font, a customized version of Futura, was attractive and distinctive, it didn't work in every language, and was unwieldy for many uses. Consequently, the company recently decided to switch to Verdana, a typeface that Microsoft distributes for free. The new font works across the globe, and translates into an endless array of alphabets. Unfortunately, it also infuriates many of Ikea's customers.
