Hip to be Foursquare: A night out with CEO Dennis Crowley


I'm sitting in a dimly lit, slightly grungy bar in New York's East Village, where Dennis Crowley, co-founder and CEO of Foursquare, the white-hot mobile networking service quickly becoming de rigueur among bloggers and scenesters of a certain set in New York and San Francisco, is holding court. It's late.

An intermittent stream of well-wishers greets Crowley, who receives each compliment with a low-key smile and slight wave of his signature shaggy bangs. In addition to co-founding the five-month old startup, Crowley is also, as they say, a client, not to mention a bit of a man about town. In fact, he's probably the most influential "Foursquarer" in existence, so the stream of quite comely friends who have seen his "check in" and stopped by to say hello isn't exactly surprising.

Welcome to Dennis Crowley's life.
