Why do advertisers think women over 40 want Friskies instead of BMW's?


This is the birthday I click over to the next box. The box that takes me out of the desired 18-44 age group advertisers so salivate over. And apparently that means I will no longer covet the things magazine advertisers might try to sell me; the luxury cars, the expensive watches, the high-end shoes.

According to a piece in the New York Times, More Magazine, a publication geared toward women 40 and over, has fewer luxury ad pages than any of its competitors. Why? Because advertisers prefer aiming their upscale shills at younger people.

This only proves what everybody already knows: Advertisers are morons.

Doesn't this defy common sense? Aren't women over the age of 40 more likely to have not only the experience and taste but also the resources to buy the kinds of higher end consumer goods marketers love most?

As my mother has often complained, "I could buy a Mercedes for cash -- tonight if I wanted to. But they're not advertising to us grandmas for some reason."

I can't buy a Mercedes -- for cash or otherwise. But it's the idea that advertisers don't want me anymore that chafes.
