Waste Not: Testing dishwashing methods for biggest water waste


The world is facing a water crisis ... but try to get Americans concerned.

The world we live in faces an imminent water crisis, with countries including China and India, parts of Central and Eastern Europe and the majority of Africa and the Middle East experiencing significant water shortage. (I lost count of how many times I had to wash my body out of a communal basin using a pitcher and a tea kettle when visiting my grandmother in rural Crimea (Ukraine), and how often I "showered" under string-thin water pressure when traveling to Israel.)

And yet Americans continue to waste water by not minding their leaky faucets, leaving their sprinklers on longer than necessary, and changing their pool water with every fallen bug.

As pointed out in the World Water Vision Report, "[The water] crisis is not about having too little water to satisfy our needs. It is a crisis of managing water so badly that billions of people -- and the environment -- suffer badly."
