Lemonade turned to lemons thanks to overzealous law enforcement


Most people encourage a spirit of entrepreneurship in today's youth, but one big-city agency seems more concerned with teaching kids the lesson that going into business isn't always rewarding.

Summertime is lemonade-stand season across America, and a 10-year old from New York City was following the time-honored tradition of whipping up a few ice-filled pitchers and a batch of cookies. She set up shop in one of the few shady patches of Manhattan's concrete jungle, Riverside Park.

According to this account in the New York Post, business was going swimmingly for Clementine Lee (what a great name for someone selling a citrus beverage!) until she was visited by officers from the city's Parks Department.

The officers issued Clementine a $50 ticket for operating as an unlicensed food vendor.

A similar thing happened recently in Tulare, California, too.
