How to Bounce Back


At the far back of Nicole's closet is a set of uniforms untouched for years, worn when she was a promising young bank teller eagerly gaining additional experience on the bank's sales platform. Next to them are the dresses she wore as a teacher, a job she took to pay her son's way through private school while she also worked at the bank. When she was diagnosed with endometriosis, a horrible disease that begins in the female reproductive system, her career withered away, and was replaced by countless nights of agony, pain and discomfort. Nicole's story seemed like it was over ... but it wasn't. If you're suffering through or recovering from one of life's great setbacks, be it a health crisis, prison time or other personal issue, your story doesn't have to be over, either. The right mindset, a good strategy and taking advantage of the vast array of resources available to you can help you get back into a career and regain financial stability.
