Free Movie Friday: Win tickets to see Captured!

Ru Paul
Ru Paul

If you've spent any time in the Lower East Side in New York, you may have noticed a strange boarded up gallery on Essex St., that boasts the Patterson Gallery and Outlaw Art Museum, a dark storefront full of painted mannequins and other odd delights. Or you may have noticed a photographer roaming the streets, sporting a black baseball cap, covered in wonderful iconic embroidery. You've just encountered the legendary Clayton Patterson.

No one documented the Lower East Side in the 80s better than Patterson, through photography and early videography. Whether it was the Alphabet City squat riots, the battle of Tompkins Square Park, or just the day to day life of punks, trannies, artists, bikers and boarders, Patterson was there to document it all. And through the amazing documentary Captured, you'll see his story through his own eyes. It's a must-see portrait of the historical LES.

WalletPop is teaming up with Cinetic and Dailymotion to give away 10 free pairs of passes to a special screening this upcoming Wendesday, August 12 in New York. For your chance to win, e-mail with the subject line "WalletPop." Ten lucky winners will be chosen at random.

Not in New York? Don't fret. You can watch Captured for free, beginning Friday, August 14 at Daily Motion.


Wednesday, August 12
7pm Cocktails, 8pm Screening
