Help for some credit card users who pay at the last minute


We've all been there, myself included, unfortunately. You're living your life, minding your own business, and suddenly you see it: a credit card bill that's due soon. Very soon. So soon that there's almost no way to pay it on time.

And even if you do pay it on time, you'll have to fork over a wad of cash to do it.

That happened earlier this week to Edgar Dworsky, the skilled and savvy consumer activist behind Consumer World, a terrific consumer resource guide. He also runs MousePrint, another very useful site; it exposes the fine print in ads.

Anyway, the credit card bill to Dworsky's Mastercard, which was issued to him through MBNA, which was later swallowed up by Bank of America, got buried under papers on his desk, until he stumbled upon it.
