WalMart and swine flu vaccine: A perfect match?

swine flu
swine flu

At least once a month, the typical American shopper trudges to the local WalMart (NYSE:WMT) to stock up on groceries, dry goods, entertainment, and . . . vaccines? The company is in talks with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about what role it can play in the CDC's ambitious immunization process for the H1N1 (swine) influenza outbreak.

According to Dr. John Agwunobi, WalMart's president of health and wellness, as reported by MSNBC, the chain is offering to help with the CDC's plan to immunize the portion of the nation's population most vulnerable to the disease. 302 people in the U.S. have died of Swine Flu so far. The CDC recently estimated that hundreds of thousands of Americans could die of the disease in the next two years if the vaccine and other countermeasures fail.
