Death, taxes, and Baldwins: Two are inescapable, and guess which one is bankrupt

Death, taxes, and Baldwins: Two are inescapable, and guess which one is bankrupt

He's a celebrity -- get him out of debt! Stephen Baldwin, the actor and perennial reality show contestant, has filed for bankruptcy, according to the Wall Street Journal and papers filed in the U.S Bankruptcy Court in New York.

The Journal says Baldwin and his wife Kennya owe $1.19 million on two mortgages for his New York State home, which is valued at $1.1 million. On top of that, he owes big on taxes, too: $749,974 owed to the IRS, $139,288 for unpaid withholding taxes, and $194,527 in unpaid state income taxes. He's also shouldering some $70,000 in credit card debt. Add those up, and you get more than $2.3 million.

After he sneaks away from all those expenses (leaving lenders holding the bag), perhaps Baldwin could find a future in the ministry. In June, he baptized Spencer Pratt in a Costa Rica river on NBC's I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here. If he can save Pratt's soul -- let alone find it at all -- then surely he's worth being paid a fortune.

Baldwin has been no less aggressive about proselytizing in his private life. In 2006, he stood outside a Nyack porn shop and vowed to take photos of every patron in order to shame them into staying home -- and put the store out of business.

So perhaps he'll connect with this verse as he builds his credit back up from zero:

"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.'"

That's from Luke, and no, he wasn't a Baldwin brother.,feedConfig,entry&id=392588&pid=392587&uts=1248209941

Another Bankrupt Star

He's a celebrity -- get him out of debt! Stephen Baldwin, the actor and perennial reality show contestant, has filed for bankruptcy! Check out the other celebrities who have gone bankrupt, lost their homes, etc

Tim Whitby, WireImage

Vince Bucci, Getty Images

Celebrity Foreclosures
