HSBC and WalletPop want you to speak out


On Thursday, July 16, WalletPop attended HSBC Soapbox, a public showcase that gave New Yorkers the opportunity to voice their opinions on a range of topics including immigration, education, environment, marriage, privacy, fast food, jobs, children and technology.

The event took place in Madison Square Park from noon to 8 p.m.

Johanna Breman Tzur, an HSBC representative, says more than 1,100 people stopped by the HSBC Soapbox Event. Participants stood up and talked on actual soapboxes, as they did in the old days, especially in London's Hyde Park, before chatrooms and blogs. And approximately 335 others shared what matters most to them through the on-site ballot box. Here are those results:

When asked which value you most live your life by, the following three were cited most:

  • Love (strong lead with 33 votes)

  • Family & Happiness (tied with 24 votes a piece)

When asked which value do you most look for in others, the following three won out:

  • Honesty (clear leader with 47 votes)

  • Respect (30 votes)

  • Trust (26 votes)

HSBC prides itself as "the world's local bank," and stated that the Soapbox event allowed the bank to hear directly from consumers. We prefer HSBC to be more interested in our values than our tax dollars: HSBC has not received any stimulus money from the U.S. or Britain.

WalletPop now extends the Soapbox to you! Please voice your opinion on the topics addressed at this event in the comment section below.
