Back to school season is the best time to buy a laptop


Knowing when to buy a new computer is a lot like knowing when to hit or when to stand in Blackjack; buy today and you risk a newer or cheaper system coming out next week, but pass on a truly good deal and you'll still be wasting money.

Without a little help you may find yourself constantly waiting for the next big thing, while you try and make do with technology as old as the Golden Girls. Now, thanks to, most of the guesswork has been taken out of when to buy a new computer.

Dealnews, one of the web's best deal-hunting websites, tracked the price of an average -- but capable -- midsize laptop for the last 10 months and found out that the next two months, otherwise known as Back to School Season, is one of the best times to buy a new computer; even beating out Black Friday! Check out the chart after the jump.
