Your Job Will Come: Looking for work with kids underfoot


With men getting laid off at three times the rate of women, the recession is quietly producing more stay-at-home dads and changing how households are run and children are raised.

The typical father spends about seven hours per week in "primary child care," according to a Time magazine story, which is more than twice as much as in 1965. It still doesn't sound like much, and for unemployed fathers, I'll bet it's a lot more.

But beyond the joy of being Mr. Mom, unemployed parents -- whether mom or dad -- have to deal with the extra burden of dealing with kids afoot while searching for a job.

I'm lucky. My wife still has a full-time job, and I'm writing this while she's working and I've put our daughter, 4, to sleep for the night. And because my wife works nights, she's around to take care of our child during the day while I search for full-time work and do some part-time work. By early afternoon, I'm on my own.

The stresses of being unemployed are harsh enough, but looking for work while keeping a house and child (or children) in semi-order is so much that you can find yourself being overtaken by the everyday tasks of life instead of looking for work.

Those are the topics I discussed with WalletPop editor Andrea Chalupa in the weekly podcast "Your Job Will Come."
