A free TV site that beats Hulu, Veoh


The future has finally arrived for me: Watching old TV shows on my computer.

We all have our touchstones of what it means to be in the 21st century. For some, maybe it's locating a bathroom in New York City through iPhone. For others, maybe it's reading a book through the Kindle.

I'm sure others won't feel like it's the 21st century until we're riding jet packs like The Jetsons. For me, I think my epiphany came recently when I discovered that the Museum of Broadcast Communications has some of its collection online.

For those of you not familiar with the Museum of Broadcast Communications, it's a museum all about television and radio in Chicago. (It's currently closed; they're redeveloping their facility.)

I had never heard of them until the other night. I went looking for the Web site for the Museum of Television and Radio, which has two facilities in New York and Los Angeles.
