Fewer Working Fathers are Willing to Be Stay At Home Dads


Jason Ferrara, vice president of corporate marketing for CareerBuilder.com

Over the course of this current recession, we've witnessed large corporations tumble, small shops shutter and layoffs affect workers of all walks. You can safely assume that most people are concerned about financial security right now, and working fathers are no exception, a recent CareerBuilder survey finds.

Thirty-one percent of working dads would leave their jobs if their spouses or significant others earned enough money to comfortably support the entire family. Although that's a sizable percentage, it's a slight drop from last year's 37 percent and a significant drop from 2005's 49 percent. The CareerBuilder survey, "Working Dads 2009," included 797 men who are employed full-time and have children 18 years of age or younger living at home.
