Were Octo-mom's newborns mistreated as actors? Labor commish says maybe


"Won't somebody please think of the children?"

Those words, whined facetiously by a religious female character on the TV show "The Simpsons," were taken to heart recently by California's highest ranking labor official -- who might possibly have nothing better to do than make a situation where there probably isn't one.

Utilizing a strict, if not forced, interpretation of California labor law, the office of Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet has issued four initial citations against RadarOnline.com, for its efforts in reporting updates on the lives of Octo-mom Nadya Suleman and her 14 children.

According to statements quoted by LATimes.com, Labor Commissioner Bradstreet feels that she has sufficient reason to believe the octuplets have been, or could be, mistreated as actors.
