A college clothes diva's five trend-setting tips


Among the thousands of students at Loyola University Chicago, Alysse Dalessandro not only knows how to save a buck on fabulous fashion, but also how to tell people about it.

As president of Loyola's Society of Professional Journalists, she also freelances for Venus Zine and has written the popular "Clothes Line" column for the student newspaper, The Phoenix.

Here she raids her bag of tricks -- deeper than any purse you'll find at Prada -- to tell students how to make summer simmer without breaking the bankbook. Or as Alysse puts it: "Knowing I only have $10 to spend on clothes makes a challenge that I am all too happy to accept -- and you can do it too."

1) TAKE ANOTHER LOOK WITHIN --YOUR CLOSET: "The best way to spice up your summer wardrobe is to start right in your own closet," Alysse advises. "Go to the items you haven't worn in months, ask yourself why you haven't worn them, and think about how you can give them a new life. Sometimes this can be as simple as taking that boho skirt from two summers ago and pulling it above the chest. Add a belt to cinch the waist and you have a flow-y strapless summer dress."
