Eying growth, Huffpo switches CEOs


Credibility is nice, but revenue is nicer. That seems to be the unspoken message behind the Huffington Post's decision to replace its CEO, Betsy Morgan, after less than two years on the job. Paid Content reports that Huffpo's new CEO will be Eric Hippeau, a managing partner at Softbank Capital and member of Huffpo's board. Hippeau is also a former CEO of Ziff-Davis Media, where he "was early to recognize the trend toward on-line media," according to his online bio.

Morgan, who is leaving the company, came to Huffpo from CBS Interactive, where she was senior vice president and the general manager of CBSNews.com. At the time, hiring an executive from a major established news organization was seen as a significant coup for the then two-year-old news aggregator-slash-blogging community. Huffpo already had traffic; what it needed was legitimacy.
