Murdoch: 'Great companies' don't mind Chinese censorship


Here's a shocker that's right up there with "Dog bites man:" Rupert Murdoch's not terribly concerned with censorship in China.

In a fluffy, cuddly puffball of an interview on Fox Business, the News Corp. chairman was asked by his employee and interlocutor, Neil Cavuto, about a report that China is requiring PC makers to pre-install software blocking certain websites deemed unacceptable by the government. "I'm not worried because we don't do any business there, or so little that it doesn't matter," Murdoch replied.

Cavuto pressed on, wondering if, News Corp.'s interests aside, Murdoch thought U.S. companies ought to be helping a totalitarian government crack down on free speech. Murdoch: "I don't object to that. You can't expect great companies like Dell or Hewlett-Packard or others to say, 'We're going to sell no computers in China at all.' It's too big. It's too big a part of the world."
