Just what you need: A mobile reminder to pay your credit card bill


Back when I was young and stupid enough to rack up credit card bills that I couldn't afford to pay off every month, I dreaded getting the credit card bill in the mail. Sometimes I wouldn't open it for days, thinking it would go away if I didn't look at it.

Now, Discover Card is offering its customers the chance to get a bill due reminder on their mobile phones, bringing the unavoidable news that their credit card statements are ready to be looked over immediately instead of having to wait until they get home.

As if getting bills in the mail wasn't bad enough, now a text message on your cell phone to pay up will make the unique combination of anticipation and dread of waiting for the bill-delivering mailman a thing of the past.

I'll know before he gets to my door that the payment that I can't afford is due. Yippee. Thanks, Discover.
