WalletPop joins the Personal Finance Weight Loss Challenge


Being big costs money; it's a simple fact that obesity and being overweight puts a strain both your health and your wallet, which is why this blogger has joined 30 other personal finance bloggers to get fit and share our experience with our readers along the way. The Personal Finance Weight Loss Challenge, which has been organized by PF blogger Baker at Man Vs. Debt will be an exciting contest filled with plenty of posts to help you get in shape with us.

For the next 60 days, I will be joining the Beta team made up of Jessica at Penny Wise Family, Matt at Debt Free Adventure, Miranda at Yielding Wealth and Savings Not Shoes at PennyPence to lose a combined 100 pounds. My personal goal will be to lose 18 pounds, which will bring me within 15 pounds of my lowest adult weight, which I achieved in high school thanks to Richard Simmons and his wonderful Deal-a-Meal program.
