Bugaboo recalled, not like YOU need to know


If you read WalletPop regularly, it's a safe bet you're smart with your money. You are not the sort to mourn the fate of the Hummer (saved by the Chinese just in time! whatever), or the decline of oodles of credit for college students ('cause you spent the money from your part-time job when you were in college, just like us). Nor are you the type to spend upwards of $500 for a stroller to push your dear baby around from coffee shop to little tot music hour. So do you care that the Bugaboo, the stroller of celebrities and those who dress like them, is recalled?

Well, ok, maybe you care, but it's just for the beautiful, beautiful irony. It turns out that the Bugaboo, while stylish, beloved by celebrities and Upper East Side parents, and expensive, isn't immune from safety concerns. The CPSC and Bugaboo North America are issuing a recall for the Bugaboo Bee, why? because "One or both sides of the brakes can fail, causing a stroller to unexpectedly roll away on an incline. This can pose a risk of injury to the child occupant." This has happened at least 121 times, although no injuries have been reported (so I can continue to enjoy this news without worry of a mean spirit: no babies were harmed in the making of this story).

Bugaboo makes more expensive strollers, up to $900, so maybe you're bargain conscious and decided you'd rather own the same brand as, say, Jennifer Garner, but only spend 60% as much (we'll get into why that's an unfortunate rationalization another time). If you are the owner of a Bugaboo, here's the recall scoop: the dangerous units are Bugaboo Bee strollers with item code 580210 on a label on the back of the seat and item code 50100 on a label on the plastic support under the seat. The strollers were sold in blue, dark khaki, pink, red, yellow, and black from August 2007 to August 2009 for about $530. You should contact Bugaboo for a repair kit, although something tells me those who buy half-a-mortgage-payment strollers aren't exactly DIY types.
