Nobu to celebs: Please don't eat that tuna on our menu


For years, Greenpeace has been after celebrity-studded sushi joint Nobu to stop serving the endangered bluefin tuna at its restaurants. Last year, the environmental activist group had tuna samples (not labeled as bluefin tuna) from Nobu's three London restaurants DNA tested, and discovered they were, indeed, flesh of the endangered fish. The group demanded that Nobu stop selling bluefin tuna, and wrote that the discovery "means that the celebrity diners at Nobu, the likes of Madonna, David Beckham and Lily Allen, are unwittingly pushing a species toward extinction."

Evidently, not all celebs mind pushing a species toward extinction, not if they can get some yummy sushi in the bargain. Nobu has altered its London menus to read "Bluefin tuna is an environmentally threatened species -- please ask your server for an alternative." This bizarre behavior has one restauranteur suggesting the tuna (at £32 a serving) is among Nobu's most profitable dishes, and the chain isn't about to give up profit for the good of a species in these tough economic times.
