Did AT&T sway Idol win to Kris?


Are you suffering from Idol Withdrawal Syndrome (IWS)? For those who are not familiar with IWS, it's a seasonal disorder generally most intense in the week after the American Idol finale. Its primary symptom is a feeling of emptiness on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings that eventually goes away as people realize that there is more to do after dinner on summer nights than watch Ryan Seacrest & Co.

But not only do Idol fans get IWS, so do journalists. That's where news that AT&T (T) helped sway this year's Idol to Kris Allen comes in handy. AT&T's mobile phone network is the only way to cast text message votes for Idol contestants. And AT&T representatives provided free phones and power texting lessons -- showing voters how to send 10 or more text messages at the press of a single button -- at two parties in Arkansas organized by fans of Conway native, Kris, after Idol's final performance episode last week.
