Breaking up eaiser to do with divorce-related web sites


There's a trend right now, say some newspapers: Divorces are becoming less common in a lousy economy.

Why? Who can afford to get divorced? Especially if you both are hardly making enough money to get by, living in a house that you can't sell. It is, as married couples tend to find out, cheaper to live together than apart.

But some people are getting divorced, despite the trend. I just learned that one of my old high school classmates is splitting up with his wife. He shared with me over the weekend that his wife wants to separate, but by Monday of this week, he was already using the d-word.

As it happened, I had just learned about a Web site called A well-respected financial guru specializing in family finances, Dan Danford, was interviewed on a podcast on the Web site, and when his e-mail newsletter came to me -- one of 1,457 weekly e-mail newsletters I appear to have signed up for since I first logged onto the Internet -- I saw this Web site,
