What does a Chrysler bankruptcy mean for Chrysler owners?


A year ago, the wife and I decided it was time for our expanding family to trade a mid-size SUV for the spacious expanses of a minivan. After doing quite a bit of research, we finally found the right price on the right vehicle, a 2009 Town and Country from Chrysler (insert sad trombone sound here). The FightBus (as the minivan has been named) is an excellent vehicle and easily fits our two FightBabies (the third is due any day now) and any cargo we need to tote. However, I am now concerned that an oil change will result in a government hearing that could last well beyond my next 5,000 miles.

I mean, should I be worried that the distance-to-empty meter (DTE) on the FightBus's gas tank says, "Call Barney Frank?" With Chapter 11 bankruptcy staring Chrysler in the face, what is going to happen to the extended warranty plan that we purchased? If the company enters into Chapter 11 bankruptcy, anyone purchasing a new Chrysler will know that the almighty U.S. government says it will cover the warranty. But what about me, I purchased the FightBus nearly a year ago -- will my warranty be covered? I have been doing research in order to find out if I will have coverage, and it seems that there are as many opinions and beliefs about what will happen as there are Chrysler models.
