Swine flu and you: Airlines and hotels get flexible for swine flu-phobic travelers


The Business Travel Coalition has assembled a long, constantly updated list of links of everything you need to know about swine flu, including news about what the airlines are doing, what civic authorities are instructing airports to do, and word about what the effects on the hotel industry are. Consider it your one-stop shopping source for swine flu updates.

Right now, the general situation is this: Airlines that fly to Mexico are not canceling flights, but they are granting ticketed passengers the right to change flight arrangements with no fee. Delta, Continental, American, U.S. Airways, Aeromexico, Mexicana, United, and AirTran are among the major flyers that will let you change for free as long as you were scheduled to travel to Mexico.

For most airlines, your original flight must have left by May 6, but that date may be extended if the outbreak continues. The same story goes for most vacation packagers, including for one of the country's largest, Apple Vacations, and for all self-respecting hotel and resort chains, although they claim no one's canceling in numbers worth worrying about.
