Cheap cuisine, with pretensions


One of the most ironic things about pretentious cuisine is the way that foods created out of necessity often become delicacies for the rich and famous. For example, internal organs, which were originally eaten because they were cheap and vitamin-rich, are often elevated to the tables of the high and mighty, completely undermining their entire history.

One example of this is Haggis, the famously disturbing Scottish sausage. Composed of the heart, liver, and "lights" of a sheep, the dish is essentially ground up chunks of unattractive internal organs that are then mixed with fat, oatmeal, salt, and pepper, sewed up in a stomach, and cooked. It usually tastes like peppery ground beef, although some cooks manage to give it a more liver-y overtone. Although designed to make use of the less popular parts of a sheep, it has somehow become something of a gourmet dish.
