Hear all about it: Your Job Will Come radio blog debuts


Unemployed? WalletPop wants to help you find the most effective ways of landing back on your feet again, and soon. That's why we're launching a weekly radio show that delves deep into the art of finding that job.

Listen to the first 15-minute show with editor Andrea Chalupa and writer Aaron Crowe, where they discuss such topics as what to do immediately after being laid off, how to increase your network, why job fairs are a waste of time, and the importance of taking time off from the job hunt.

The radio series for WalletPop Radio, called "Your Job Will Come," will be live on Wednesdays at 1 p.m EST, starting May 6. You can catch the shows at any time by checking out WalletPop on BlogTalk Radio. Future topics include using social media to find work, the good, the bad and the ugly of LinkedIn, odd and different ways to find work, making part-time work pay, turning a volunteer assignment into employment, and how to get callbacks from employers.

Aaron Crowe is a journalist in the San Francisco Bay Area who has various part-time jobs after being laid off in June 2008 as a newspaper editor. Read about his search for full-time work at www.AaronCrowe.net
