Kiss a librarian: It's National Library Week


I feel a little bad to bring this up a couple days later than I should have, but if you haven't visited your local library in awhile, or especially if you are a regular, you should visit. Send a card. Or call. Your local librarian misses you.

Actually, he or she probably doesn't -- library visitation is on the upswing in the recession as people flock to use its services to help them find a job -- but we are in the midst of National Library Week (April 12-18). Across the nation, libraries are holding special events to remind people that even in this age of the Internet, libraries are still relevant.

One activity that I particularly like and can get behind is the concept of "Fine Free Days." The Craft Memorial Library in Bluefield, West Virginia are allowing patrons to return overdue videos and books from now until the end of the month without being charged.
