Book review: Brazen Careerist: New Rules For Success


Gen-Y'ers are in the midst of the toughest job market in recent memory: And we have an outlook and set of priorities that makes many of the old rules for career success outdated and irrelevant.

Enter professional volleyball player-turned-software-executive-turned-career expert Penelope Trunk and her 2007 book Brazen Careerist: The New Rules For Success.

Trunk offers a compact career guidebook for young people -- although much of the advice is great for Baby Boomers too -- in the form of "45 New Rules For Success." Young people will learn the do's and don'ts of successful emailing, how to deal with sexual harassment, work-life balance and work-life balance. The book is sprinkled with anecdotes from Ms. Trunk's own work experiences and references to fascinating academic research.
