Recession time the right time for that nose, boob job

nose job
nose job

According the the America Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2008 was a horrible year for the Botox and boob job industry. Surgical cosmetic procedures in the U.S. dropped from 2,079,032 in 2007 to 1,766, 695 last year, or 15%.

Nonsurgical procedures were down 12%. In light of these stats, it is a buyer's market in the nip and tuck world. If you've always yearned to improve your looks by plastic surgery or a nonsurgical procedure, now is the time. And if you are convinced that a quick fix will improve your odds of landing a new job...

So where do people spend their cosmetic surgery dollars? The most common surgical procedures last year were

  • Breast augmentation 355,671

  • Liposuction 341,144

  • Eyelid surgery 195,104

  • Rhinoplasty 152,434

  • Tummy tuck 147,932
