Burger King goes off the deep end, again, this time in Mexico


Burger King is at it again with its wacky ads that often seem to offend at least one facet of society. This time, the self-proclaimed king of the grilled hamburger is insulting an entire country.

Update: Burger King says it will pull the ads as fast as commercially possible, meaning they're still on TV and elsewhere in Europe for now, but should be removed soon.

According to an Associated Press story, ad ad for Burger King's chili-flavored "Texican" burger that has run in Europe shows a small wrestler wearing a cape resembling a Mexican flag living with a tall American cowboy to illustrate how two can get together for a cross-border blend of flavors.

"The taste of Texas with a little spicy Mexican," a narrator says.

UPDATE: Burger King announced that it was pulling the ad and apologized.

But here's the ad if you want to see what it was like:
