Thirsty for real sugar, Christians keep buying up all the Kosher Coke


Around this time of year in America, Coke puts out a special version of its flagship beverage that ostensibly is geared toward the Jewish population as its celebrates Passover. You'd be lucky to find any of it, though. It's selling out everywhere it appears on supermarket shelves.

It's not just Jews who love it, because Kosher Coke could actually be better called Real Sugar Coke. The standard American Coke is made with that dietary bugaboo high fructose corn syrup, but because the Jewish commandment is not to eat foods with leavening in them, corn's out. So for observant customers, Coke (and Pepsi) makes special batches using real sugar. The taste difference is noticeable right away. It's far better, like the Coke of your childhood.
