Madoff victim Wiesel gets some help from community


As a Holocaust survivor and author of some of the greatest literature to come in World War II's wake, Elie Wiesel found himself in the spotlight when a large chunk of his personal fortune and that of his foundation was wiped out by Bernard Madoff.

Now the community is leaping to his aid. Portfolio reports that "So far, the Wiesel Foundation for Humanity has received a total of $400,000; some of which was donated directly to Wiesel and his wife, Marion, but which the couple turned over to the foundation."

Two Boston University (where Wiesel teaches) alumni are hoping to find one million people willing to donate $6 each -- a tribute to the 6 million Jews who died during the Holocaust.

If you'd like to make a donation to The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity, click here. The Foundation's mission is to "combat indifference, intolerance and injustice through international dialogue and youth-focused programs that promote acceptance, understanding and equality."

Another way to help show your support is to order a copy of Wiesel's classic book Night, which recounts his Holocaust experience. It's a remarkable book and is currently the 365th best selling book on Amazon, even though it was first published in English in 1960.
