'Hobo condo' is the home of the future: LA's EDAR project


Governor Schwarzenegger has announced that the California state fairgrounds, Cal-Expo, will be opened for residents of a rapidly growing tent village of homeless in the Sacramento area. The village will then be shut down. And if the Everyone Deserves A Roof (EDAR) Foundation was a public company rather than a not-for-profit, its stock would be red hot. The homes-on-wheels it distributes free to the homeless are a bright spot in a common but tragic situation.

The EDAR, nicknamed the hobo condo, resembles a shopping cart with a wheels upgrade. It can carry belongings and those items the homeless often collect to sell, such as aluminum cans. The real brilliance to the design, though, is that the cart includes a fold-out, sturdy, waterproof tent that provides a dry, private sleeping space wherever the homeless person chooses to spend the night.
