Healthy Living: 5 mostly free ways to get in shape this spring


With spring in the air and swimsuit season coming up faster than the federal deficit it's time to start getting in shape. While the basic premise for any get healthy now article is the same; eat right, exercise more, and avoid fad diets I've found a few cool new tools and tips to help you, and me, get in shape.

1. Personal Fitness Plan: The first free tool to whip you into shape is a free fitness plan tailored to your lifestyle, goals and current physical characteristics. Many insurance companies offer a plan like this in an "improve your health" section. Signing up with my carrier took about 10 minutes and provided me with tailored advice to my lifestyle. Since I spend an insane amount of time in front of the keyboard for my various jobs, I was told to take breaks during the day to add extra movement to my life as well as telling me to keep healthy snacks nearby to handle keyboard cravings. I was surprised how well the advice synced up to my situation and even the standard weight loss advice seemed more useful couched with advice to follow through on my goals.
